PLANT MUSIC IN NATURE : Live Sessions with Plants

I’m thrilled, excited and emotional about the release of my new album on Bandcamp, Plant Music in Nature: Live Sessions with Plants!

From May to December, 2022, I set out to co-create songs with local plants in and around Ottawa, Ontario, using modular synthesizers.
What resulted was not just eight songs, but a meditative exploration of my relationship with nature. So much of the project required spontaneity, intuition and leaps of faith. Mother Nature reciprocated generously!

Head over to Bandcamp to listen for free and buy the album if you want to support my music. Videos of the performances on location are on my YouTube channel.

Herb Garden: Generative Plant Music ( click the cover to listen )

Herb Garden: Generative Plant Music is the first album in a series called Signs of Life, a deep dive into plant music.

It is an artistic endeavour to revive our lost connection with nature and invariably discover more about who and what we truly are. We are only separated from nature because we’ve forgotten our relationship with it. This series invites you to rediscover that connection.

Herb Garden is a collaboration between myself and a collection of plants from my home. My role was to choose musical elements like notes, instruments and timbres, that I felt suited the raw electrical data outputted by the plant. I chose creative parameters for each song, and then left it to the plant to perform the song. The resulting song depended on the strength and quality of the electrical output from the plant at the time of the recording.

House Plants: Generative Plant Music ( click the cover to listen )

House Plants: Generative Plant Music is the second album in a series called Signs of Life, a deep dive into plant music.

It is an artistic endeavour to revive our lost connection with nature and invariably discover more about who and what we truly are. We are only separated from nature because we’ve forgotten our relationship with it. This series invites you to rediscover that connection.

House Plants is a collaboration between myself and a collection of plants from my home. My role was to choose musical elements like notes, instruments and timbres that I felt suited the raw electrical data outputted by the plant. I chose creative parameters for each song, and then left it to the plant to perform the song. The resulting song depended on the strength and quality of the electrical output from the plant at the time of the recording.

This album features Eucalyptus, Jade Finger, Snake Plant and Ripple Jade.

You can find individual track descriptions for each track when you hit the info button as you hover over each track name.

Conversations - Live Jam Sessions with Plants ( click the cover to listen )

Conversations are Live Jam sessions recorded with a Cattail and Canna Lily plant for a short CBC documentary called “Natural Collaborators”